What if you were given the option to rent the space you wanted for a great price, knowing it had been previously used by two or three businesses, would you still get it?

We have seen several commercial premises, even mall centers, where no matter the number of business that are opened, at the end of year they end up closing or are transferred to other locations.

These decisions do not only depend on the product or quality that is offered. The reality is that the placement and position of the business makes a difference for a business.

Having the help of Feng Shui in the planning of a new business helps anticipate this and reflects a good decision.

Integrating Feng Shui into a Business

  • Analyzing the main access point of the business is fundamental. We need to maintain the open space concept for any internal or external element, which could be a generator of stress or stagnation, and we must proactively use this energy to our favor for the business and marketing objectives.

  • Within the premises, the kind of product or service that the business is offering isn’t a key factor to be preoccupied with. We need to identify the ideal placement for the products, the cash register, the warehouse, the office, the dressing room, the kitchen, etc. We must optimize the best of the positive energy on the sales floor and keep aside the less favorable energies in the areas which do not hold much relevance or importance.

  • To understand how the characteristics of the premises’ energy influence staff and customers, as well as identifying the problematic areas (such as staff turnover, thefts, conflicts, outflow of capital and many more) that may require changes in order to correct or enhance the good energy flow.

  • There are premises that have better energy factors than others, so understanding the characteristics of the premises gives us a realistic expectation of the results of the business.