There are positive and negative energies,
and all have different characteristics and effects.

Classical Feng Shui is the authentic, classical and traditional science of Feng Shui, practiced in Asia for thousands of years. Feng Shui began initially as a set of principles that were used to determine the most ideal locations for a village to be situated in relation to its natural surroundings, as this relationship was found to be the single determining factor as to whether a community thrived (by living in harmony with the their natural surroundings) versus just barely survived (by working against the forces of nature, and not living in harmony with their natural surroundings).   

Today, Classical Feng Shui is practiced as “one” school and a true Classical Feng Shui Master will apply both ideologies, San He and San Yuan, in a Feng Shui audit of a property. Feng Shui, part of the Chinese Metaphysics System, studies the correlation between energy and its effects on us. Mainly these effects are related to health, wealth, or relationships.

Feng Shui is a system based on formulas and calculations determining the potential for certain events or situations to people that live in a given space or are exposed for long time to an energy.